Vainqueurs, réactions en direct et moments forts du 25 juin

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Par David Marques

Winners, Live Grades, Reaction and Highlights from June 25

NXT Heatwave is on the horizon. The June 25 edition of WWE NXT would continue to set the stage for the next gold brand premium live event.

Tag Team Turmoil Match

Edris Enofé and Malik Blade opened with Tyler Bate and Pete Dunne. New Catch Republic took the first fall with the Elimination. Apollo Crews arrived to distract LWO, setting up Bate to hit Berto with the Tyler Driver 98 for the win. The O.C. couldn’t stop the run as Dunne caught Karl Anderson with a roll up. Andre Chase caught a vulnerable Bate with a diving crossbody to pick up the final three for the win.

This was a great match in terms of in-ring quality, though the booking was questionable. Nathan Frazer and Axiom will have a great match with Chase and Duke Hudson.


Chase U won the Tag Team Turmoil match, last eliminating New Catch Republic, to earn an NXT Tag Team Championships match at Heatwave.

Grade: B

Notable Moments:

– Enofé reversed the Bitter End into a DDT then went for a dive but took a forearm to the face from Dunne, setting up the first pinfall.

NXT Championship Scene

“All Ego” Ethan Page called out Ava to demand an NXT Championship against Trick Williams. When Trick Williams came out to confront them, both heels beat him down until Je’Von Evans made the save. This was all clearly building toward a Fatal 4-Way for the NXT Championship announcement.

Grade: C-

Notable Moments:

– Trick told The Young OG that he did not want anyone watching his back, going it alone in the main event.

Heritage Cup Match

Nathan Frazer rolled up Tony D’Angelo in round one to get the first fall 42 seconds in. The Don angrily responded with an impactful spinebuster a minute into round two for his first fall. D’Angelo def. Frazer in round six two falls to one to retain the Heritage Cup.

Grade: A-

Notable Moments:

– In the locker room, Axiom promised to be in Frazer’s corner for his match despite his misgivings about his friend spreading himself too thin.

Women’s Division

Roxanne Perez made quick work for Karmen Petrovic, planting her with Pop Rox for the victory. Meanwhile, Sol Ruca defeated Arianna Grace to earn a Women’s North American Championship match at Heatwave.

Grade: C-

Notable Moments:

– In the locker room, Petrovic watched footage from last week. The Prodigy did not appreciate it. An argument set up a match for later.

Main Event

Trick Williams and Shawn Spears were working a competitive match until Brooks Jensen stormed the ring. The main event was complete chaos to the point of overbooking. Spears def. Trick by pinfall.

Grade: B-

Notable Moments:

– During the night, Noam Dar told Meta-Four that he would be out a while with his leg injury. Mensah told the group a passionate story of grouping lonely and finally finding belonging with Meta-Four.


NXT built serious hype and good will in the ramp-up to Battleground. The follow-up heading toward Heatwave does not feel the same. The booking is falling back into the usual NXT rapid-fire action where nothing has time to breathe. Hopefully, next week’s go-home show will add a spark that makes the PLE feel important enough to watch.

Overall Grade: D

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